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Graduate Campus

Leadership skills for doctoral candidates


The subjects will be addressed during the course:

  • "Leadership" and "Management": What do they mean, which models exist and when must we apply what at the university?
  • Communication, feedback and goal setting: What must we keep in mind? How can these elements be applied meaningfully during our daily work?
  • Various chosen topics.
Learning Objectives

You will ...

  • receive a compiled overview of various fundamental theories and models from applied leadership psychology
  • learn about and deliberate on the essential basic competencies of leadership
  • delve into and combine theory and practice during practical exercises and case examples
Instructor Dr. Tobias Heilmann, CEO @ campaignfit | Program Director @ FFHS
Target participants PhD candidates
Dates 21 May 2024 9:00 - 17:30h
31 May 2024  9:00 - 17:30h
11 June 2024 9:00 - 17:30h


ECTS credit 1 ECTS credit (has to be recognized by your faculty)