Doctoral candidates and supervisors regularly evaluate the program and the supervisory situation.
- Doctoral programs and graduate schools are regularly evaluated by external, independent experts. Funding from the Quality Assurance and Development funding line can be applied for through the Graduate Campus.
- Practice at the University of Auckland: “All doctoral students are encouraged to complete the exit survey on submission of their thesis; (...). The process of surveying students facilitates closer examination of the student - supervisor working relationship and the student’s perception of their supervision experience” (Carton n.d.: 5).
Faculties ensure that there are suitable contact points for doctoral candidates and supervisors in cases of conflict. UZH has an independent counseling and mediation office.
Graduate Campus provides information on the various contact points.
- Graduate Campus offers low-threshold support for PhD candidates and postdocs.
- There should be „(...) clearly specified procedures for students to change supervisor within the department” (Delamont et al. 2004: 187).
- Practice at KU Leuven: “(...) both advisor and student are asked at several moments during the doctorate to fill out a short survey about the PhD-advisor relation. If problems are identified, the ombudsperson will contact the student proactively” (LERU 2016: 15-16).